Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to Brand Your Startup – GEC Business Review

by Fred Victor

Having a brilliant business idea is sometimes harder than putting it into actionable plans, then what about going to market to compete as a new company nowadays, it could be frightening perhaps as the markets have been filled with perfect competition - the economics of which describes the market structure as competitive markets.

Ask yourself if there are genuine ideas these days? So, when it comes to building your new company’s public awareness, you need to start strong with a brand.

GE Consult has recently begun its “brand and build program” for startups, it is where we share our expertise and experience particularly in retail and service business. In brief, GE Consult helps startups to do brand naming, logo and slogan creations, shaping their brand stories and products feasibilities, ultimately crafting an extraordinary customer-centric brand positioning to begin with. You are welcomed to send in your enquiry directly to rachel@geconsult.org

Branding is the most important thing when setting your startup business, ask yourself again why? To put it crudely, none of us knows your brand existence (I apologize).

For more than a decade involvement in the Marketing industry, having worked closely with countless of locally and globally renowned organizations, I observe, summarize and share hereunder the 3 keys (at least) to building your startup branding strategy.

1. Create Your USP
I remember this saying always, as quoted by Sun Tzu in the Art of War: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.” So in order to make your startup unique and strong, you will need to research the current market offerings. Ask yourself what is your unique selling proposition?

2. Define Your Target Customer
It is painful when one intends to create something to everybody, and you must stop trying to be everything to everyone. Marketing or branding message is essential here, and you need to create customer personas by defining your customers’ demographic setting, needs and wants.

3. Design Your Visual Identity
Your company or brand logo and other visual elements are extreme important as they represent you. More importantly, your visual identity should consist more than just logo, but also the unique blend of colours, fonts and imagery that appear across your marketing collaterals. So ask yourself if investing in your brand visual identity worth doing now or you can put on hold until further notice? Think twice!

About GE Consult
Founded since 2003, GE Consult has helped numerous local SMEs/SMIs in developing their company profiles, business plans, business proposals etc. assisted clients in securing business deals and contracts. If you are looking for a winning company profile or any professional services, please do not hesitate to contact us at (+6017) 330 8077 and/or email rachel@geconsult.org for further service explanation.

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